
the male pill is no longer an idea, from the University of Edinburgh, they have studied and tested, with some amazing results, the male pill protects 100% against pregnancies and has no side effects for the man

About 30 men took the pill for a predetermined number of months. None of them produced sperm without experiencing side effects such as acne, high blood pressure. Some very encouraging results. the contraceptive works by introducing a gene that stops sperm production; the new technique could be the alternative to the vasectomy. The gene involved in the synthesis of a receptor that controls the injection of sperm in the semen is the key point of contraception male.

If all proceeds as expected, this new method of contraception, could be on the market in just, about five years. A grateful alternative to vasectomy, which many men fear for myths and lies at mouth mouth.

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Tags: contraceptive methods, contraceptive pill, male pill