The nutritional value of milk in the Academy of medicine.

in addition to its nutritional value protects against cardiovascular disease and helps control weight.

Madrid, may 2012.- Milk and its great contribution to the diet focused exposure of the researcher at the CSIC Manuela Juarez, one of the most prominent worldwide in dairy technology, within the cycle of conferencias-debate the Danone Institute has organised with the Royal National Academy of medicine under the title innovative perspectives for the current pathophysiology ”.

It is generally known that milk is a valuable food from the nutritional point of view, with a moderate intake of energy providing great amount and variety of nutrients among his great contribution of calcium, beneficial for the formation of teeth and bones, but in addition, Dr Juárez presented studies that point to that milk is also useful as food for those who are interested in controlling your weight and it is a protection against cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, precisely because of the properties of a part of their proteins, mineral elements (calcium, magnesium and potassium) and fatty acids, which presented a much more healthy than the present composition in another type of fat.

Part of the Conference was devoted to disassemble some false beliefs that have spread about the consumption of milk, which is a factor of cardiovascular risk, aspect on which there is no scientific evidence and Yes on their anticolesterolémica activity and beneficial for the blood pressure; It favors the appearance of colon cancer, where we are also studies show lower incidence among consumers of milk; or that causes numerous allergies, when studies show that only 0.5% of the individuals has some kind of allergy to milk.

La doctora Juárez concluía diciendo que la leche es un alimento completo, del que prescindir en la infancia y en la adolescencia puede poner en riesgo la salud del individuo durante toda su vida, y avisó de que el consumo de lácteos en la dieta de los españoles es inferior al recomendadoso adults should take between 2-3 servings daily and adolescents, pregnant and nursing mothers, elderly and athletes between 3 to 4 servings.

The Danone Institute

The Danone Institute, non-profit scientific institution, celebrates 19 years dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of fundamental and clinical research in the field of nutrition, food and health, through the granting of scholarships and prizes, the collaboration with universities and hospitals in greater prestige in Spain and other countries and editing of publications of reference for health professionals. In addition it conducts training initiatives in nutrition, food and health, as the course of the school of nutrition Francisco Grande Covián, perhaps of greater prestige in our country for the quality and rigour of the participating teachers, or this cycle of conferencias-debate in collaboration with the Royal National Academy of medicine which is repeated annually for the last three.