Primary care physicians Forum appreciates the reform processes of temporary disability.

Madrid, February 2013- the Forum of doctors of primary care (AP) has shown its satisfaction with the draft royal decree whereby the management will be overhauled and the process control for temporary disability (TD) in Spain. Members of this forum organizations positively value change in the management of IT, a claim that societies of AP had demanding long ago.

The Forum of AP, this time organised by the Spanish Association of Paediatrics of primary care (AEPap), considered very relevant the union of clinical event with administrative management and standardize the duration of disease processes based on health problems and to the occupation of the patient.

AP medical societies consulted replied to the consultation carried out by the Ministry of health, social services and equality and consider that there are some points for improvement:

1 Specify more explicitly that the medical professional responsible for the low is the one who recognizes the patient

2. Simplify as far as possible the groups that have been proposed for establishing the Cadence of the parties and move them from four to three. Also clarify and simplify the issuance of reports.

3 Flexible and extend deadlines for reply and not taken for granted that the lack of response is a nod to the proposals.

Finally, the AP Medical Forum has stressed its interest in meeting with those responsible for the Ministry of health, social services and equality both of the Ministry of employment and Social Security.

Celebration of the day of primary care (AP)

Another of the aspects that have been treated at the meeting of the AP Medical Forum has been the upcoming celebration of the day of AP, which will take place on April 12, and which is intended to enhance the voice of physicians of AP and appeal to society on the need to invest more in the APthat in recent years it has failed to conduct by the different or by the regional governments.

Another expressed ideas has been demand for reaching a consensus among the different political parties to reach Pact as claimed by the healing that now becomes more
essential than ever by the current economic climate.

Training of residents in Pediatrics in AP

One of the goals is the improvement of the training of specialists in Pediatrics. The AP Medical Forum considered positive the Constitution of multiprofessional teaching units with participation of hospitals and AP. 50% The capacity of residents convened in the past year have been through these units, while the rest has been through the traditional model of the Hospital teaching units.

Also you have accredited tutors pediatricians of AP and has spread in most of the autonomous communities the residents of Pediatrics rotation by AP. health centers However, in many cases the AP training time is insufficient not to comply with the established times.