the Vinalopó Hospital closes 2011 with more than 18,500 interventions and 86,000 er

-Reached an average of 240 er daily.

-activity in the surgical area has increased considerably with a total of 18.548 made interventions. This figure includes both those scheduled operations that require hospitalization and surgery without income.

Elx, February 2012. The Vinalopó Hospital, centre managed by Bank health and Asisa and integrated in the network of public hospitals of the Generalitat Valenciana, has finished the year with a high volume of activity after more than one year since its launch underway.

In the Emergency Department has treated more than 86,000 patients, reaching an average of 240 daily emergency. The system of triage of Manchester, which uses colors to classify the levels of urgency as mild, moderate or severe, has allowed to adjust waiting times and improve care in the service.

The media in emergencies during 2011 have waited 38 minutes, data that reveal the quick attention of Elche emergency service, placing below national standards.

On the other hand, the activity in the surgical area has increased considerably with a total of 18.548 made interventions. This figure includes both those scheduled operations that require hospitalization and surgery without income. It should be recalled that the Hospital of the Vinalopó has complex such as cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery and Vascular Surgery surgical specialties, so that people in the Department are important services very close to their homes.

Surgery major ambulatory of the Hospital of the vinalopo Valley program has allowed that 71.2 per cent of major surgery scheduled interventions have been made without that patients spend the night in the Centre after being operated on. This is a form of modern, safe, and effective assistance which is only possible through the application of excellent surgical and anaesthetic techniques, by experienced professionals.

The number of births has also been increasing to reach a total of 1.502 births, with an average of 125 per month births. The Center has 8 labor, delivery and recovery rooms equipped with the latest technology and comforts for the mother, and a fully equipped neonatal intermediate care room. The team of gynaecology and obstetrics has opted for providing comprehensive care to women based on customizing care, integrating the care hospital with Health Department primary care teams.

The data are also significant in the area of external consultations, that has registered a total of 250,000 appointments for specialist. The month of March became the month with a greater volume of patients served. In fact, on 29 March occurred a peak of 2,210 patients when the daily average month revolved around 1,500 patients per day.

In addition, the vinalopo Valley Hospital has become the first hospital of Spain in allocating part of its facilities to the launch of a new health centre, in such a way that they coexist in the same space primary, specialized attention and urgency.

New services, closer

In the month of may, the Hospital of the Vinalopó, launched the Nuclear Medicine Service. Since then, this service has done more than 1,460 tests, thanks its sophisticated PET-TAC team, becoming the only public hospital in the province of Alicante to have this technology centre.

Cardiac surgery service has consolidated throughout 2011 and other specialties have been underway in order to provide assistance closer to the citizens. In this regard, the Department has plastic, Maxillofacial vascular and thoracic surgery among other surgical specialties.

In addition, in the medical area, the vinalopo Valley Hospital has grown in benefits with the implementation underway of the sleep unit, the operation of the dialysis unit and strengthening in other services as Pulmonology with the area of interventionism or the classroom of nicotine addiction, among others.