Lack of resources by the crisis increases the violence in the homes

20th update course in psychiatry. Vitoria, March 2012.

-males living in poverty suffer an increase in stress by a crisis of masculine identity, pressured by social models of masculinity

-key is eliminating the feeling of guilt of the victims because it increases the responsibility of the perpetrators

-more than 400 experts in mental health met in Vitoria to discuss how it is altering the environment in which it builds mental health

Vitoria, March 2012.- the lack of economic resources in families, as well as adverse conditions for the care of its members, are triggers of domestic violence for women both to minors and the elderly. Thus, the current economic situation is presented as a generator factor of domestic violence in those homes where the lack of resources is evident.

These considerations have been carried out by the Dr José Romero-Urcelay, director clinical of the personality disorders Department at the hospital Broadmoor (England), during the table of experts lifestyles and psychiatric disorders. The violence in today’s society ” in the 20th update course in psychiatry which was held last week in Vitoria.

The event is an annual meeting of national experts in Psychiatry in which the Apostle Santiago Hospital, the Psychiatric Hospital of Alava, the Department of neuroscience of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Basque country, the Department of health, Basque Government, and Osakidetza collaborated.

One of the highlights has been domestic violence that the crisis is increasing its impact in society. In this regard, the expert pointed out that poverty is one of the key factors in domestic violence, and is more frequent and severe in socio-economically poor groups ”.

However, has detailed the figure of man has great importance in domestic violence problems when they are due to a loss of purchasing power because, according to the etiology of domestic violence, males living in poverty suffer an increase in stress by a male identity crisispressured by social models of masculinity ”.

As prevention, explained that it should be taken into account if there is inequality in the position of women in the context of intimate relationships and their social position ” and if is imposed domestic violence as a normative position in situations conflict and lack of alternatives in the resolution of conflict ”.

In the case that not a violent episode can curb, Dr. José Romero explained that is necessary to eliminate the feeling of guilt of the victims because it increases the responsibility of the perpetrators ”. ” includes to victims in the development of policy, legislation and procedures to ensure the responsibility/responsibility of the perpetrators ”, he has add.

Thus, the expert believes that you encouraging participants to reflect on the reasons ” and making them understand the risk factors and define the problem ” is necessary for a healthy relationship.