care physiotherapy system is at risk

the current situation we want to state the following:

– in relation to mutual private health insurance, the price paid in physiotherapy centres for session ranges between 5 and 9 euros average.

-these prices have been losing valuegiven that in the last eleven years they have not been reviewed or otherwise, have been well below the CPI, producing a comparative tort that resulted between 25% and 40% of purchasing loss real.

– we understand that the situation has become untenable, being clear that the price paid by the mutual private medical insurance is already very below actual cost prices, putting at risk the sustainability of the system mutual concerted physiotherapy.

– want to make a call to the responsibility of the mutual free insurance that they reconsider their rates, and that they adapt to the real cost of the service provided in order to ensure correct care of their policyholders.

Col·legi de Catalunya Fisioterapeutes