“Lacer Farma” leads a research to prevent disease cerebrovascular.

-the study, conducted in collaboration with the Group Neurovascular research at the Cajal Institute of the CSIC, elaborates on the mechanisms of self-defense that launches the central nervous system diseases such as Alzheimer’s and stroke cerebrovascular

– ‘ Lacer Farma ’ working on a molecule with vasodilator action, proangiogénica and antiapoptótica

Barcelona, 2011-September LA419, discovered and patented molecule by ‘ Lacer Farma ’, specialist in the cardiovascular field, could have protective and repair effects against cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and Alzheimer’s disease, according to the preliminary results of the study being carried out between the Department’s r & d Pharma of laboratories Lacer directed by DRA. Marisabel Mourelle and the research group of the Department of Molecular Neurobiology at the Cajal Institute of the CSIC, directed by the prestigious researcher Dr. Ricardo Martinez-Murillo. The purpose of the investigation, which began a year ago, is to identify new applications of this molecule with vasodilator action, pro-angiogenic (allows the formation of blood vessels from pre-existing vessels) and antiapoptótica (prevents cell death) to prevent Neurovascular diseases and mitigate its effects.

Both stroke and Alzheimer’s disease are two cerebrovascular disease serious each year reaching an important population group. The stroke is the leading cause of death among women in Spain, – affects one in every seven – and the second among the general population and every year suffer to 130,000 people, of which 8,000 die or are disabled, according to the national register of stroke drawn up by the Group of study of disease stroke of the Spanish Neurology Society (GEECV-SEN). The World Health Organization (who) data show that these diseases already represent the third cause of death in the Western world, the physical disability in adults first and the second of dementia. WHO estimates suggest that over the next 15 years the incidence of stroke in the world’s population will increase by 27%.

Investigations allow promising expectations on new applications of the LA419 molecule, whose effectiveness has been demonstrated in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

In the case of the stroke, the administration of the molecule could have a preventive effect against disease and act as therapeutic agent in their treatment. Thus established the first results of the study in laboratory, suggest that the administration of the molecule 15 minutes later stroke reduces significantly the volume of vascular edema, which would enable a very significant reduction of neurological sequelae disabling arising from the stroke. Tests carried out have shown that the molecule, which has antithrombotic properties and antiisquémicas (prevents the decrease of blood flow), does not alter the blood pressure, so it is emerging as a possible therapeutic agent in the treatment of stroke.

In relation to Alzheimer’s disease, a process hitherto incurable neurodegenerative disease, researchers are analysing the potential effects of the LA419 molecule on the ability of learning and memory in experimental disease model animals. Because of its recognized antioxidant properties, the molecule can trap and inactivate free radicals and other oxidizing substances that damage cell membranes and causing, in the case of neurons, brain aging. The research aims to determine the possibilities of therapeutic use of this product through preclinical studies that are underway. In Spain, Alzheimer’s disease affects between 650,000 and 800,000 people, according to the Alzheimer’s Foundation. The report submitted in July in the Alzheimer Association International Conference concludes, after cancer, Alzheimer’s is the disease most feared by the Spanish.


DRA. Marisabel Mourelle Mancini. PhD in pharmacology by the Centre for research and advanced studies of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (CINVESTAV) and head of the Department’s r & d & innovation laboratories Lacer. It is creative in 16 patents of new chemical entities, such as pain relievers or new molecules with antidiabetic activity, among others. Author of hundreds of publications in international scientific journals ‘ Circulation ’, ‘ Hypertension ’ and ‘ Gastroenterology ’, has participated in numerous conferences in congresses and scientific forums.

Dr. Ricardo Martínez Murillo. Doctor of medicine from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and neurobiologist. Head of the Neurovascular research group in the Department of Molecular Neurobiology, cellular and the development of the Higher Council of scientific research (CSIC) in the Cajal Institute. Its main lines of research revolve around processes Neuropathological as cerebral ischemia and Alzheimer’s disease. He is the author of hundreds of publications in international journals such as ‘ Neuroscience ’, ‘ Brain Research ’ or ‘ Journal of Neuroscience Research ’; He has directed more than 30 research projects and has participated in numerous conferences in congresses and scientific forums.