Notwithstanding to that is one of the most popular worldwide beauty treatments, is actually the Botox, as many other procedures against wrinkles, does not always work.


The Botox is a treatment, which while it may be a good Assistant against the aging of the face, should used moderately and with caution.

botulinum toxin (mainly known as Botox) is the beauty products facial with increased demand around the world, because it has properties that paralyze sections of the face and help to minimize the wrinkles and other signs in the face that reveal the age.

Many people tend to become addicted to the effects of Botox and have to use it in excess, causing the benefits are reduced and instead, affects in a negative way to the skin of the face and the factions, giving an ugly and unnatural appearance.

Important facts that you should know before using Botox.

  • Excess of Botox can paralyze your face: currently, there are many schools of Cosmetology and ‘ clinics ’ where is applied as a filler treatment Botox; however, not all are actually trained to use it and even to apply too much Botox. There is no treatment to treat these effects, but it can take a long time in which results are noticed.
  • You can alter the symmetry of the face: addition to incorrect application of Botox can alter the appearance of the face and freeze over, may also alter the symmetry of different zones: a more bulky than the other and even eyelid drooping lip, too raised eyebrows. New account, I reiterate that they come with a certified doctor of choice.
  • You can not always effective in skin: there are different factors of because Botox may not work on some skin types; they may include age, a very small amount of toxin or apply with a very small period of time since the last time it again.

Generally speaking, young skins with minimum wrinkles are unlikely to be affected by the Botox and treatment time is usually six months, but ideally any questions consult your doctor deemed go and remember that you have to be a professional person.