universal accessibility, a challenge pending.

-on December 3 is celebrated the international day and European of persons with disabilities.

-COCEMFE wishes to recall that people with disabilities are still impediments to lead a life standard by the lack of accessibility in the cities.

-universal accessibility not only benefit our collective if not that it affects favourably throughout society.

Madrid, November 2009- On the occasion of the international day and European of persons with disabilities, to be held on December 3, COCEMFE wants to remind the society there are still many physical barriers that prevent persons with disabilities to carry a standardized life and on equal footing with the rest of the population.

Curbs too high or barriers, tunnels in sidewalks, paper mills or badly placed streetlights on the streets, are just some of the problems that have faced every day with people with disabilities.

To the President of COCEMFE, Mario García, the urban planning of the cities on the basis of criteria of universal accessibility is an obligation. Spain should improve this aspect, first, because there are plans of accessibility in all communities which require designing environments passable for all, and second, because it sends him the the UN Convention on persons with disabilities ”, according to García.

In this regard from the Confederacy valued the contribution he has made with the Spanish Plan for the stimulus of the economy and employment (Plan E) to the universal accessibility of our cities, that has meant greater public investment in the field of accessibility in our country.

For this reason, Mario García, it also wants to draw the attention of the municipalities so continue on this path and improve the accessibility of the municipalities with the recently approved State Fund for employment and the Local sustainability.

Similarly, it must not forget the accessibility to the environment when it carried out the process of renovation of our cities, always taking into account the needs people with disabilities. Is essential to the creation of alternative accessible routes, because not be can enclose no person with disabilities at home because of a ditch ”, explains Mario García.

Make it accessible to our cities, our environment, favors not only in our group but to society in general, the person that goes in a wheelchair, the young man who has broken his leg and plaster, the woman that goes with a Chair for the baby, or the older person has mobility difficulties ”added the President of the entity.

The Spanish Confederation of people with physical disability and organic (COCEMFE) is a non-governmental non-profit that was founded in 1980. It aims to unite, strengthen and form coordination efforts and activities of entities working in favour of persons with disabilities physical and organic to defend their rights and improve their quality of life. The entity brings together more than 1,500 organizations divided into regional confederations, national entities and provincial federations which in turn, grouped to different local associations.