Warts the appearance of a Verruca tends to cause enough discomfort in who afflicted, especially by the antiéstético aspect presented. Is responsible for his appearance, which mainly affects children, the virus of HPV; in the end, these bumps are not anything other than the result of an infection of the superficial layer of the skin cells

The good news is that as much as sixty percent of warts eventually disappear over time, usually within a maximum of two years.Hence the fame of many home remedies, which in fact we do not have why to trust us, and will most likely have been the time (and not the remedy) which has removed the wart.

, however, and given that this is a highly contagious infection, it is best treated warts when they appear and eliminating of root.You may be avoiding the spread to others, or to different parts of the body of the person who suffers from.

Dermatologists recommend always treatments that leave no scar, and depending on the amount, type and location of warts. They may try to do away with special fluids that stimulate the defences against the virus, and also with substances (salicylic acid) queratolíticas. They are treatments that can be made at home, but still very persistent, that they require several weeks to make effect.

Occasionally, dermatologists applied cantharidin on the wart; once the substance has made effect (usually has to spend a week), the doctor will have to remove the part dead.

Other means of resolution of warts are cryotherapy (removal by the cold), laser (with local anesthesia) or the electric, scalpel that it is the wart with intense heat and ends up burning. The more applied technique is cryotherapy by be bit painful and not leave scar.

Very important: you never try to remove a wart without previously speaking with dermatologist

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Tags: skin diseases, viral diseases, remedies warts warts treatment