What tendinitis, you is not unknown and probably, on occasion, you’ve suffered her. We will see that is the condition and what we can do to avoid suffering her, or failing that if you have already, to relieve.

Tendinitis, is an inflammation of the tendons, which we should remember that they are elastic fibers, which join muscles to the bones, and are also involved in his movement. Fibers are not exempt from suffering any injury. may appear due to injury to the sport, by an envelope excess loading objects or the age, that over the years, the tendons lose their natural elasticity. The symptom most common, is the pain that may occur in the articulation, without more, or to perform movements.

Treatment to follow, will always be the reduce pain, possible and long rest. We must also treat the inflammation, and if possible, inmovilizara zone with a splint. The intention is tendinitis is not worse and can end up in tendinosis.

Vitadelia so happens

Tags: injury muscle, tendon, tendinitis