Apple The is one of the most popular fruit and with a reputation for more healthy there. But the properties that we know it is only a small part of all positive applications can have for our health. We explain some.The Apple has anti-inflammatory properties of the digestive system, is cleansing, anticatarral, hipotensora and sedative, among many other things. Decocciona a few pieces in 1 litre of water and take three glasses a day to help you if you suffer an inflammation of the stomach or intestines and see how your process improvement. Related to this also it worth noting that its high pectin content makes an excellent antidiarrheal and antacid, as well as preventing the flatulence. the Apple also owns cystine and arginine, which is ideal to help eliminate toxins from our body. So it is very good as an adjunctive treatment in problems such as gout or uric acid kidney stones. Its rich in phosphorus and fibre also make a great weapon against cholesterol natural.The Apple has other many beneficial to our health utilities. To finish we will highlight two more: first, by its content of phosphorus is also very relaxing if we take before going to bed. Second, its decoction is very good to combat fever we may have. Botanical on line AMS family

Tags: Apple, Apple properties, uses Apple