consultations related with diabetes are up to 15% of all those in primary care

Toledo hosted the VI Conference of Diabetes in AP, organized by the Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN) and the Spanish society of Diabetes (thirst)

-13.8% of those age 18-year-old suffers from the disease in our country, of which more than one third, 6%, it is unknown

-50.2 per cent of people with diabetes suffering from obesity and 83.3% hypertension

-near 300 medical of primary care, internists, endocrinologists and nutritionists to attend the meeting, where recalls the importance of these patients oral health and debate on the new ways of therapeutic approach, among other things

Toledo, March 2012.- diabetes type 2 has become one of the most important health problems of our time. The epidemic of obesity and sedentary lifestyle has led to an increase in its prevalence in our country, and thereby to an increase in health spending. According to the results of the study, recently published, the prevalence among people older than 18 years in Spain is 13.8 per cent, of which 6% is unknown that he suffers from. In addition, provides that the trend for the next few years will also increase.

In addition to hyperglycemia, people with diabetes tend to present other risk factors such as hypertension, obesity and Dyslipidemia, what does that present a high cardiovascular risk and come regularly to the health system.

(AP) primary care physician is therefore key to early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of persons with diabetes, as well as in the prevention of disease. According to Dr. José Javier Mediavilla, Coordinator of the Group of work of Diabetes Mellitus of the society Spanish of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN) and the VI Conference of Diabetes in primary care, held in Toledo, organized by the Spanish society of Diabetes, to be the diabetes type 2 a chronic disease, the AP medical is the professional which should swing the attention of these patients, its accessibility and proximity by both continuity and integration of care that characterize the first level of care ”. Indeed, consultations related to the disease concerned with up to 15% of all those that are carried out in PA

Doctor Mediavilla points out that the good collaboration between AP doctors and practitioners of the second level of care serving at some point people with diabetes (endocrinologists, cardiologists, ophthalmologists, Nephrologists, etc.) is crucial in managing this disease, which produces complications both macro as Microvascular, and that needs the shared care of various health professionals ”. The ideal is that attention should focus on the patient and there is continuity in the same.

Oral health, essential in the treatment of diabetes

During the meeting dealt with an often forgotten issue in the consultations of AP and which, however, affects the quality of life for people with diabetes: oral health. Diabetics are at increased risk for infections of the mouth such as gingivitis or periodontal disease, which can damage the gums and jaw bones. Gum disease may hinder the blood glucose control by the presence of persistent infectious foci.

Doctor Mediavilla recalls that the revision of the mouth should be a routine activity for people with diabetes, know the relevant hygiene measures and attend specialist before any dental problem ”.

Elevated levels of blood sugar can also lead to the emergence of canker sores, tooth decay, infections by fungi (oral candidiasis) and delay in healing and healing of these pathologies.

Another mouth problem caused by diabetes is the condition called dry mouth ” (xerostomia). Constant dryness affecting people with diabetes irritates soft tissues of the mouth, often causing inflammation and pain.

Disputes in the dietary of the metabolic syndrome treatment

There is a great deal of controversy in the scientific community about the real existence of the metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by the presence of obesity and other risk factors such as hyperglycemia, hypertension and Dyslipidemia.

According to the Coordinator of the Working Group of Diabetes Mellitus of SEMERGEN, higiénico-dietético treatment of this syndrome facing proponents of various types of existing diets to reduce weight and improve metabolism: low carbohydrate diet, low in fat, high in fat and low in carbohydrates, simply calorie, balanced diet or combinations thereof ”.

Spanish society of Diabetes (thirst)

The existence of this society has as purposes grouped all the professionals concerned in the various scientific, clinical, educational and médico-sociales aspects related to diabetes, promote health care, teaching and research activities in the field of diabetes and advise few institutions required it in the area of its competence.

THIRST brings together professionals (endocrinologists, physicians in primary care, biologists, pharmacists, nurses and all those professionals links you to different fields of biomedicine knowledge related to the took) working in the world of diabetes, contributing each in his plot to better care for people with diabetes.

THIRST celebrates this year its XXIII Congress, which will take place April 19-21 in Vigo. Any information on the activities organized by the society can find it

Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN)

SEMERGEN is the pioneer of primary care in Spain, with 38 years of experience. He was established with the objective of promoting the family medicine, through the maintenance and improvement of the professional competence of physicians, promoting research and facilitating the continuing education of the physician in order to maintain the quality in the care of the health of citizens.

It has 17 regional delegations and held democratic elections every 4 years. SEMERGEN Foundation was created in 1999. This year held its thirty-fourth national Congress, as well as dozens of regional conferences. Any information on the activities organized by the society can find it