The the majus is a food belongs to the family of the watercress or mustard plant. Also is known as Garden Cress, for his similarity and small size. It is a very beneficial to our agency, by the amount of minerals it contains.It tastes acid, and in kitchen flower seed, is much appreciated that is extracted from them a spice that gives a very peculiar aroma to dishes. The minerals it contains noteworthy levels of Silicon that gives us, thus helping improve the status of body tissues. but it also contains iron and calcium, essential for good bone health and to adequate levels of red blood cells in blood. Also has many vitamins and high levels of vitamin C, which helps to protect cells from the radical free.

Also has Group B vitamins, necessary for the proper functioning of the body tissues, as well as being a good source of vitamin A, necessary for the skin and mucous membranes as the eye. In conclusion a plant very complete, ideal for caring Fund.

Viton garden

Tags: Cress benefits, medicinal plants