“To lift the hand who has a problem with his physique and did not affect him or”.

League Pro-surgery – by Cristina Sánchez, Director general of clinics Dorsia.

Spain, 2011-September lately we have read some statements of glittering stars as Kate Winslet, which I love and which I think that it is an excellent and beautiful actress, to say that they never will operate cosmetic surgery because they would lose the expression on his face, because it goes against your principles; others say that you operate is depersonalized and so, several actresses. The press has called them the League Anti-cirugía.

As you know, I am a fierce advocate of aesthetic surgery and I would like to give my reasons:

first, think it is very easy to say that you never operarías when you’re practically perfect ‘ series ’, 1.80 you measure, you’re spectacular of face and bodyyou are neither more nor less than Hollywood actress, you can allow all types of coaching, coaches, advisers image, hairdressers and other … course, it is so easy to say.

I would like to invite these people to join us at Dorsia a few hours to get to know first-hand real persons of flesh and blood who decide to undergo surgery for cosmetic surgery.

Most may think that those that operate are superficial women, obsessed with the physical … when the reality is that the patient average of cosmetic surgery is a woman passed 30 and many, to which the body, which has had their children and who simply feels literally has changed much ‘ fatal ’ when looking in the mirror.

It has a real complex that does not let you be completely happy. A hanging abdomen, a tremendously fallen chest, a disproportionate cartridge … this is not a whim. They begin a new life after surgery, give us thanks for having helped in this process of change, new beginning, which has returned them the illusion and self-esteem.

This expression ‘ accept yourself as you are ’ ago much damage. normally if you look, who speaks well doesn’t have any physical problem seriously, does not suffer for it, therefore, speaks without knowing. Of course we must accept ourselves, we must learn to love us, forgive us … but have the right and the duty to strive to improve. We can change us everything you dislike, well on the inside, well outside. We are free and we have to decide for ourselves how we want to be happy and … fight for it. We are not satisfied. This is the essence of the human being.

You can say that the most important thing for people is inside. I can not agree more. But that raise your hand those who have a real problem with his physique and does not affect the least. I’ve been working at Dorsia for ten years, and I have been fortunate to meet many people with whom I have been able to maintain very deep conversations about their feelings and self-esteem and can count on the fingers of one hand those who really have a high self-esteem that is apart from physical considerations.

We like it or not, we live in a society where physical matter much, no more than the interior, but that matters little. It is important to get a job, to socialize with the opposite sex to feel integrated in society. This is the case, and we must be honest in this reality.

Of course that there are people who care not for deeper aspects, which are shallow and cold. These people exist, consume aesthetics and surgeries without the need of them, but are the exception, not the rule.

Secondly, I believe that the responsible beauty, our slogan at Dorsia, is a synonym for what should be the beauty in the 21st century. We have known in the decades before the results of the excesses that have committed some people and professionals in the sector and definitely this is not the way: inexpresivos faces, women of 70 that still seeming to 70 but operated, deformed, disproportionate lips, giant breasts, anorexia, bulimia, depersonalization, thing, etc.

Today we have learned the lesson. seek a world of pure, honest, sustainable, balanced and in harmony with nature and our human nature. But this does not mean that humans cease to wish for the beautiful. In fact, the desire to possess beauty and beautiful things is as old as we can not ignore and never disappear.

Therefore we seek today responsible for beauty, one that helps us to us, advanced human beings, that we are no longer subject to the tyranny of the body, to be able to change our physical thanks to the progress of civilization and science.

Today dominates our brain, which puts us in the world as mental entities attached to a body that can and must change so that the mind is really free.

You can follow to Cristina Sánchez on his blog by clicking here .